A place for BIOL335 people to ask, answer and discuss questions, place their 'requests' and make suggestions

Monday, January 15, 2007

T51 (Monday) DEAL

Thanks for being such a lively and participatory bunch, T51 students!

Monday we agreed that.... (and feel free to correct me if I am wrong):
- I will provide as many extra practice questions as I can;
- everybody will bring in any relevant practice questions (old midterms, etc) they come across;
- in preparation for the tutorial, everyone will go through their class notes and take note of unclear points (ASK!)
- everyone will also go through the assigned questions and take care of the 'easy' ones
- in tutorial, we will focus on the harder questions, on extra questions and on unclear points that will come up
(This does not mean that you can't ask for clarification regarding an 'easy' question!)


questions that I'd consider 'easy': chapter 10 q 1,2,5
questions that I'd consider a bit harder: ch10 q3, problem set 2
questions that are not super hard, but a bit long-ish: ch10 q4

I have added some links to transcription, translation, and "lac operon stuff". Regarding the lac operon, BE AWARE: for the mutants, the book and the course use an old nomenclature, and some of the links may use the new one. The differences are explained.

Have a great week!



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