A place for BIOL335 people to ask, answer and discuss questions, place their 'requests' and make suggestions

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Things to think about....

1) Many people expressed interest in having a review session before the final. Start thinking about WHEN it would work for you. Two proposed dates are, so far, April 20 and April 23 (your final is on the 24).

2) Have you tried out the practice questions from a few posts ago? Any problems or concerns? What types of answers did you get?

3) If you have any questions, make sure you ask or post them!



(PS: next week we'll do some developmental genetics. The emphasis is on the general concepts and principles, not on the gene names. However, some people find that remembering a few examples can be helpful).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know many students have their biochem exam on the 20th, so I guess anything after that would be ok...or even having an intense tutorial with lots of questions especially clearing up what Doheny was talking's still going over my head!!!

10:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who won the insulin poster contest?

10:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK....although, after the 20th of April we don't have many options, as your final is on the 24th, and I am away on the 21st and 22nd (Saturday and Sunday).

We could, if enough people are interested, have a review around the 10th or 15th of April, and then a final summary review and Q&A session on the 23rd.

Think about it-we need to decide by the end of next week.



11:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am having a very hard time picking a winner for the insulin art contest. I was thinking of taking pictures of all the posters and post them on the blog-then ask people to vote or something like that.

However, I first need the authors' permission...

Do the authors agree to having their work posted online (remember that the web is a public space!)?
I won't include names, unless people would want me to. I'll also mention that it's "creative work in a tangible form", and is therefore subject to copyright.

11:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey..if we have time in tutorial next time, can we go over the yeast hybrid system again? for review?

Thanks =)

10:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Can someone remind me what are DNA motifs again? Zinc finger, HTH, as well as the leucine zipper? what's the difference between all three?

Thanks a bunch!

12:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leucine zippers are dimerization domains (for more info see for example;

A zinc finger is a doamin that coordinate Zinc and can bind DNA directly (usually there are several Zn fingers in a row that form a "Zinc fingers domain"; see;

Helix-turn-helix domains (or helix-loop-helix) are also domains that can directly bind the DNA (see

Notice that leucine zippers, although they are typically part of DNA-binding proteins, do not bind the DNA themselves, but it's through different domains that the protein interacts with the DNA. However, the leucine zipper domains are required for protein dimerization, which is often required for the protein to be able to bind DNA.

9:28 AM  

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