A place for BIOL335 people to ask, answer and discuss questions, place their 'requests' and make suggestions

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


1) T51: because of easter Monday you won't have a "last tutorial". You are very welcome to attend another section next week.

2) We have to set up our pre-final review session; the options seem to be:
- April 23 (Mon)
- April 19 (Thu)
- April 16 (Mon)
Please start voting now (only one vote per person!), as I'll have to book a room by Friday afternoon.

3) I'll be posting some extra comments and Q&A on development later this week; and yes, we can definitely go over the yeast 2 hybrid system again! (I see that some of you have started reviewing-keep posting your questions, I am sure it helps others, too!)

4) Dr Haughn will post a set of practice questions on the biol335 website by Wednesday. Some are much longer and more complex that you'd ever get on an exam, so don't panic. If you can solve those, you're good to go!

Have a good week


PS: I love Wikipedia. Check out this link for some quick and simple notes-and nice diagrams- on the A-P axis formation in Drosophila! (For our 335 purposes, you can ignore Caudal)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I pick 16th! Because we can review and still have a week to ask any other questions we might be unsure of!

APRIL 16th is the way to go!

Keep voting!!!!!!!!

10:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good point. I vote for April 16 too. The other two are too close to other exams. =)

10:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

April 16th!!!

11:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

april 16th...but in the morning please!

8:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I choose April 16th too but in the afternoon. All micb people have exam on that day in the morning at 8:30am. Anytime after 11 would be great. Thanks!

11:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Pam, the only day that will work for me is the 16, I have exams during or within the other please, please, please everyone who's in Pam's section can we have it on the 16th...I need the help, u all want the help as well, so lets work together and make it happen!!! Team spirit :) (yea ok, so it got a little weird at the emd there, but I would totally, appreiciate it)

11:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

16th sounds cool.

3:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

any day but 16th please

10:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

16th or the 23rd works for me but not the 19th

10:30 AM  

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