A place for BIOL335 people to ask, answer and discuss questions, place their 'requests' and make suggestions

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Monday review session info

Hi everyone,

classroom booking has not gotten back to me (yet...but it's not like we have a whole lot of time now).
So, I have booked room 5458 in the bio building. It's a bit small,but it should work out. When you enter the bio building (where room 2449 is) go up 2 floors, then walk down the hall and it's the 6th door on your left.
As its number does not suggest, it is actually on the 4th floor.

I have added linker scanning mutagenesis, DNaseI hypersensitivity and Dr Beatty's problem set 3 to the menu.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

and yeast 2 hybrid! =)

4:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pam, is the time still 11am - 1pm on Monday?

4:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not Pam...but I believe the review is still from 11-1pm.

7:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how do we access those questions?

8:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you mean Dr Beatty's problem set 3, it's on the 335 website.

If you refer to my use of the word "menu"...sorry. I just meant "to the 'to do lits' for tomorrow's review" (and yes, yeast 2 hybrid is on it too).

The review is from 11am to 1pm (and we have to be out of there at 1 pm sharp).



9:02 PM  

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