A place for BIOL335 people to ask, answer and discuss questions, place their 'requests' and make suggestions

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


You may have noticed that the main topics of chapter 12 (genomics) are molecular markers (VNTRs, RFLPs, STSs...) and their use, as well as deficiency mapping, complementation analysis, and putting it all together.

I am making up a set of 4 questions covering the yeast 2 hybrid system, assembling contigs, pedigrees with RFLPs and deficiency mapping. They should be ready for this weekend.
The parallel site where I post notes and explanations is having technical problems and I can't access it to make changes or addition-hopefully they'll solve that.In the meantime, above is a practice question (T54 people: it's very slightly different from the one you got!).

Have a good week!