A place for BIOL335 people to ask, answer and discuss questions, place their 'requests' and make suggestions

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Questions on practice questions

In an effort to be a bit more organized...

If you have any questions regarding the posted practice questions, or about the upcoming review session, please post them in this post's comments section.

(Thanks to the person who suggested this!)

Questions about Dr Beatty's section

In an effort to be a bit more organized...

If you have any questions regarding Dr Beatty's section (prokaryotes stuff, restriction mapping, etc), please post them in this post's comments section.

(Thanks to the person who suggested this!)

Questions about Greg's section

In an effort to be a bit more organized...

If you have any questions regarding Greg Doheny's section (chromatin, transcription in eukaryotes, contig assembly, bioinformatics, pedigrees, transposable elements, techniques), please post them in this post's comments section.

(Thanks to the person who suggested this!)

QUESTIONS ABOUT Dr. Haughn's section

In an effort to be a bit more organized...

If you have any questions regarding Dr Haughn's section (cell cycle, development, and mutations), please post them in this post's comments section.

(Thanks to the person who suggested this!)

Monday, April 09, 2007


Here is an example of how to obtain answers to posted questions. Try them out, figure out where you got stuck, post (in the comments, for example) what you got done and what you are confused about, and help will be right on its way...